Posts Tagged ‘vivir’

Tomar (to take)

Present Tense Future Tense
Yo tomO I take/I am taking Yo tomarÉ I will take
Tú tomAS You take/You are taking Tú tomaráS You will take
Él tomA He takes/He is taking Él tomará He will take
Ella tomA She takes/She is taking Ella tomará She will take
Vd. TomA You take/You are taking Vd. tomará You will take
Nosotros tomAMOS We take/We are taking Nosotros tomarEMOS We will take
Vosotros tomáIS You take/You are taking Vosotros tomarÉIS You will take
Ellos tomAN They take/They are taking (M. Plr.) Ellos tomaráN They will take(M. Plr.)
Ellas tomAN They take/They are taking (F. Plr.) Ellas tomaráN They will take (F. Plr.)
Vds. tomAN You take/You are taking (Plr.) Vds. tomaráN You will take(Plr.)

Present participle = tomando (taking)
Past participle = tomado (taken)
Yo he tomado (I have taken)

Comer (to eat)

Present Tense Future Tense
Yo comO I eat/I am eating Yo comerÉ I will eat
Tú comES You eat/You are eating Tú comeráS You will eat
Él comE He eat/He is eating Él comerá He will eat
Ella comE She eat/She is eating Ella comerá She will eat
Vd. come You eat/You are eating Vd. comerá You will eat
Nosotros comEMOS We eat/We are eating Nosotros comerEMOS We will eat
Vosotros comÉIS You eat/You are eating Vosotros comerÉIS You will eat
Ellos comEN They eat/They are eating (M. Plr.) Ellos comeráN They will eat(M. Plr.)
Ellas comEN They eat/They are eating (F. Plr.) Ellas comeráN They will eat(F. Plr.)
Vds. comEN You eat/You are eating (Plr.) Vds. comeráN You will eat(Plr.)

Present participle = comiendo (eating)
Past participle = comido (eaten)

Vivir (to live)

Present Tense Future Tense
Yo vivO I live/I am living Yo vivirÉ I will live
Tú vivES You live/You are living Tú viviráS You will live
Él vivE He live/He is living Él vivirá He will live
Ella vivE She live/She is living Ella vivirá She will live
Vd. vive You live/You are living Vd. vivirá You will live
Nosotros vivIMOS We live/We are living Nosotros vivirEMOS We will live
Vosotros vivíS You live/You are living Vosotros vivirÉIS You will live
Ellos vivEN They live/They are living (M. Plr.) Ellos viviráN They will live(M. Plr.)
Ellas vivEN They live/They are living (F. Plr.) Ellas viviráN They will live(F. Plr.)
Vds. vivEN You live/You are living (Plr.) Vds. viviráN You will live(Plr.

Present participle = viviendo (living)
Past participle = vivido (lived)
Yo estoy viviendo (I am living) Yo he vivido (I have lived)